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Even if your company currently doesn't have any job openings, it's a smart move to have a pool of qualified candidates to dip into when that need arises. Social media is one of the best ways to increase your pool of candidates--specifically with the help of Twitter.

Twitter is the third most popular search engine behind Google and You Tube with 400 million tweets per day and more than 200 million users. To successfully reach out to candidates, your company should have a solid following of at least 1,000 followers and a few thousand tweets. In a short period of time, if done properly, Twitter can make your company more visible and hash tags is one of the best and easiest way for job seekers to find you.

Use the hash tag before important keywords you think candidates might use. Searching for hash tags can be done through tools like Twubs, but perhaps the easiest way to find hash tags is through

Here are four hash tags job seekers usually search for.

#jobs This means a company has a job opening.

#City Name Job seekers may look for work in a particular area. Including the city will narrow down their search.

#JobHuntChat These chats can bring job seekers, recruiter and industry leaders together.

#Resume or #Interview Job seekers use these hash tag when looking for answers to your interview, hiring and recruiting process.

Keep in mind to tweet job openings as they happen. With hundreds of millions of active Twitter users every day, chances are you will get multiple responses very quickly. Another easy way to increase the number of people is to ask employees to re-tweet candidate recruitment posts. That simple little hashtag, #, will go a long way if incorporated correctly.


At the WunderLand Group, we specialize in placing qualified marketing, interactive and design candidates with companies in New York, Chicago and San Francisco. For more information, contact our staffing experts today!