For many people, this year has been a tough one when it comes to their career. From large-scale layoffs to a quiet job market, it’s been a tough year for unemployment.
In honor of Thanksgiving season, even when the job market isn’t perfect, we’re thankful for all the help we find in the job hunt process.
We’re thankful for:
- LinkedIn posts where connections near and far share job opportunities, and they go as far as referring you for a job directly!
Job boards can seem like a hopeless abyss of endless applicants, but when you have the chance to reconnect with old coworkers or even friends of friends of friends, it gives your resume a chance to get at least one step further in the application process.
- Networking opportunities whether it’s virtual or in-person.
Worst case scenario, you get to connect with people in your industry to commiserate and bond over shared experience. Best case scenario, you could meet someone that could lead to a job now or in the future.
- AI tools that help edit resumes, write drafts of cover letters, and even help us send those “thank you” emails that can be so hard to write.
After you write your 27th cover letter, it’s easy to get burned out, and you don’t want to have to lean on your writer friends for every application. AI tools might not be perfect, but they can get you over your application fatigue with a great first draft.
PS- have you tried using Chat GPT to prepare for job interviews?
- Great recruiters that care for their consultants.
The best recruiters make a personal investment in their consultants, learning their strengths and experience like they know their own! This allows these recruiters to consistently be on the lookout for roles that perfectly fit these candidates.
Have you been stuck in a job hunt cycle for longer than you care to admit? We’re here for you. Our recruiting staff can help you land your next dream job! CONTACT US TODAY!