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job searching emotions

Searching for a job can be exhilarating, scary and at times, the struggle is real. But maintaining a sense of humor during a long job search can go a long way in keeping you motivated and helping you power through the ups and downs.

We've been there. (Well, actually we live there since our business is job searching...) The emotional roller coaster ride you experience when looking for a job is what makes it one of the most stressful times of your life. From nerve-wracking interviews to figuring out how to best format your resume, sometimes it helps to know you’re not alone.

Here are ten memes that relate to the emotional roller coaster of job searching.

1. When you don't have the "right" experience...

How do you get experience when they insist on playing it this way? You're starting to think this entire job search thing is a lost cause.

no job experience

But then you read  HOW TO GET YOUR FOOT IN THE DOOR WITHOUT THE RIGHT EXPERIENCE and you're back on track.


2. "Auto-filling" another online application?

Hope you don't have anything planned for the rest of the evening. It's time to settle in for a long night of typing.

online applications


3. Then about 30 minutes later... 

Oh well, you think to yourself, perhaps it was never meant to be. At least the internet loves you.job search


4. You don’t really know what you want to do anymore.

You search and search but nothing really sparks an interest so you hold out hope that a recruiter will call and give you something to strive for.

job transition

5. Ain’t no stopping you!

You lined up four awesome interviews in one week. Yeah, that's right. You’re dressed for success and suddenly nailing this whole job search thing.

resume success

6. This time, you're going for it.

What was it that MJ said, "You miss 100% of the shots you don't take?" You seize the opportunity to take control and ask for what you want.

interview confidence

7. Look out world!

You're networking, you're interviewing, you’re taking over the room! And if you keep this up... maybe even the world.

dream big

8. I feel like crying.

A week goes by and you get some no's. Then you follow up with the ones you haven't heard back from and you're playing the dreaded waiting game all over again. Go ahead and cry, you’ll feel better in the morning.

long job search


9. You're all business, always.  

And then it happens! You land the job, you celebrate and suddenly you forget. What tears? What tantrums? Not you... 

Job Searching is Easy


10. Just keeping it real.

No matter what your mood, you know you have to stay sharp and stay hungry, and always be ready for the next opportunity.

job confidence

Here’s the deal: job searching is hard and it can be tedious. But it’s necessary and even though it may feel like it at times, you’re not the only one struggling.

Other tips for staying on an even keel include surrounding yourself with social support and learning some coping techniques that build resilience. Spend more time with the people who make you laugh. Watch favorite movies or listen to your favorite songs.

When you’re feeling low because you know you’re the perfect candidate who didn’t get the job, revisit these memes and remind yourself the ups and downs won’t last forever. You’ll eventually coast into the job that was meant to be all along.

One more thing... A partnership with a trusted recruiter can boost your job search. Let's talk! Our WunderLand Group recruiters are here and ready to connect you with creative digital marketing opportunities. For available jobs, please click HERE.