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Spooky season is in full swing, and sometimes as a hiring manager, your inbox can feel like your own personal haunted house. For every great applicant, there are plenty of monsters that can sneak their way into the fold.

Let’s break down some of the applicants that might be haunting you this month. 

Zombies: They’re shuffling through the job application process with a lackluster approach that rivals the walking dead. With no passion towards their career, it’s a hard hire not knowing how much effort they’re ready to put into their next role.

Ghosts: They apply for the job, they schedule the interview, and then *poof* they’re gone like a ghost into the fog. These applicants appear and disappear with ease, haunting a job listing at their convenience.

Frankenstein’s monsters: These applicants were custom-created into the perfect specimen…for their last company. They might be SO ingrained in the culture of their former company that it might be hard for them to work under a new doctor…er…manager.

Witches: They’re coming to cast a spell of bad vibes on their next office. Whether it’s poisoning the water cooler (literally or figuratively) or just putting something in the air, don’t mistake their charm for a collaborative spirit. 

Werewolves: They’re nice, they’re normal, they’re pretty mid-tier when it comes to being an employee…that is until the full moon appears or something else sets them off. They might make it weeks or months before they transform into their true form, and by then you might be stuck with them.

Vampires: They vant to suck your blood! Or at least suck the energy out of any office. They see coworkers as built in therapists and emotional support humans, draining everyone through unwanted social interaction leaving little energy in the room for actual work to get done.

So how do you weed through these hauntingly-bad applicants? That’s where we come in. We weed out the monsters for you, so you’re left with a team that circumvents the spookiest scenarios.

Don’t take any chances and reach out today so we can help! CONTACT US TODAY!