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At WunderLand Group, our DEI mission is to support a strong and growing organization by inspiring the DEI conversation, driving change in the organization and creating an environment where people from all diverse backgrounds feel safe and embraced. Our commitment to diversity and inclusion is crucial to fulfilling our mission and demonstrating our REAL values of Respect, Excellence, Accountability and Leadership. It is our priority that our workplace is inclusive, welcoming of diverse ideas and appreciative of valuable experience. We also believe this creates stronger and more fulfilling career opportunities for all.

Our WunderLand consultants are an integral part of this commitment. To help nurture this goal among all our employees, WunderLand Group hosted its first-ever, fully-paid Conscious Inclusion diversity and inclusion training session for all its active consultants. The training is designed to create a better and more inclusive environment in all areas of our lives, including the workplace.

When trying to break down the barriers of bias, WunderLand Group focuses on Conscious Inclusion. In order to promote Conscious Inclusion, we need to start by addressing our unconscious and conscious biases. This process starts with recognizing and understanding these biases.

Step 1: Unconscious bias
(or implicit bias) is often defined as prejudice or unsupported judgments in favor of or against one thing, person, or group as compared to another, in a way that is usually considered unfair.

A common form of Unconscious Bias is through microaggressions: a statement, action, or incident regarded as an instance of indirect, subtle, or unintentional discrimination against members of a marginalized group such as a racial or ethnic minority.

Step 2: Conscious Bias
Once you accept that bias exists, it is time to realize where and when it arises in life and actively work to recognize it.

Step 3: Conscious Inclusion
Inclusion starts with an individual and what they can do to create more inclusivity. Here are some examples: spending money at diverse businesses, learning about other cultures through books, movies, music, food, etc.

As a company, we promote inclusion through our WorkPlace social media, celebrating holidays and employees during specific diverse months/dates and hosting quarterly Culture Conversations to give ALL employees a voice to share in sometimes difficult, sometimes uplifting or educational group conversations. With an average attendance of about 125+ employees, it's a safe and open forum to share and promote inclusion.

The benefits of an inclusive workplace go beyond happy employees. It allows individuals to bring their whole selves to work, have their voices heard and feel comfortable sharing opinions.

When people feel joined, they contribute more and feel big. However, when people feel judged they act small and contribute less.

Join us in our mission to create Conscious Inclusion by improving what we can control and influence in all areas of our lives. For more on our Diversity & Inclusion mission click here.