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Remember being a kid in August? You’ve spent the whole summer playing outside, going to the pool, and– shockingly enough–you were actually EXCITED to go back to school!

You would get a new haul of school supplies–shiny and unmarked–ready to learn. Pick out the coolest first day of school outfit you could find (butterfly clips, anyone?), and walk into your new classroom ready to catch up with your school friends about your summer adventures.

When you work year round, it’s hard to find the excitement you had as an elementary school kid on the first day of school, but here are some tips to incorporate those nostalgic feelings without riding a school bus.

Refresh your office supplies. Your desk deserves better than crumbled up looseleaf paper and promotional pens. Crack open a fresh pack of pens and get yourself a new notebook to get that “new school supply” high. PS - just because you’re an adult, it doesn’t mean you can’t use a cool superhero or animal-themed notebook!

Get a new work outfit. It might be your 3256th day of work, but you can still get a fresh “first day of school” fit. Whether it’s a new button down for the office or a new WFH sweater, new clothes can make you feel confident and ready to take on the day.

Get excited to see your work friends. You might see them everyday at your desk or on slack, but invigorate your social circle at work like a kid seeing their friends after a summer away.  Ask a coworker out to lunch, send a funny gif over slack, and appreciate the people you work with!

When life seems a little monotonous, it’s important to infuse your day with a little bit of excitement–just like when you were a kid!

How are you bringing back-to-school energy to your career?

Do you have any more tips or want to learn more? CONTACT US TODAY!